SBOBET is an online bookmaker that offers sports betting, casino games and other gambling options. It has operations in Asia and Europe licensed by the Philippines and Isle of Man, respectively, and caters to customers around the world. The company has a reputation for offering competitive odds and a variety of betting markets. In addition to sports, SBOBET also offers games such as poker and blackjack.

When it comes to Asian handicap betting, there’s no better option than SBOBet. In fact, they out-perform their rivals in this area by a considerable margin and offer the best odds across all other betting markets too. In addition, their maximum bet limit of PS100,000 is far higher than what you’ll find elsewhere.

However, the company falls short in other areas. The underlying platform could do with being more intuitive, while the number of available betting markets is fairly limited. In addition, the minimum deposit amounts and reload bonuses can be quite high for some players.

Despite these weaknesses, SBOBET still offers a very good overall experience. Their mobile website is a little on the basic side but works well via most devices. The mobile version allows you to easily check events offered for betting, place non-live bets and view your bet list. The site is fully compatible with most major browsers.

In general, employees at SBOBET are very satisfied with the company culture. Out of 14 employees who rated their employer, the company received an average score of B, which is in the top 35% of similar size companies. Additionally, the majority of employees believe that their coworkers are honest and friendly.

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Cape Town, South Africa