Sbobet is a bookmaker and an online betting site that offers the chance to bet on a variety of sports and casino games. You can bet on football or soccer, basketball, rugby golf and much more. In addition, SBObet has a great range of other betting options including live casino and racing. You can also get increased returns on your bets and special features such as match stats and highlights.

In terms of betting markets, SBOBet has around 500 events covered on a weekly basis. This doesn’t make them the most extensive bookmaker, and they definitely could do with improving their offerings in other areas. The one market that they do stand out for is Asian handicaps, where their odds regularly outperform the competition.

SBOBET’s betting platform is easy to navigate and offers a good selection of bet types. You can also find a number of different promotions, which are designed to reward loyal customers. These include free bets, referral bonuses and the SBOClub loyalty programme. The website is available in several languages, and it can be accessed using a range of devices, including ipads and various smartphones.

To register for an account with sbobet, click on the “Join now” button on either the desktop or mobile sites. You will need to provide a user name, password and email address. You will also be asked to confirm that you are over the age of 18 or have reached the legal gambling age in your country of residence.

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Cape Town, South Africa